MBBS COURSE (2019-2020)
Admission form for session 2019-2020 in MBBS course is in accordance with rules and regulations set by Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.
1. Bangladeshi student’s session 2016/2017 who has passed SSC in 2016/2017 or equivalent exam and HSC or equivalent exam in 2018/2019 and in both exams have passed in physics, chemistry and Biology can apply. Students who have passed SSC/Equivalent exam before 2016 are not eligible to apply
2. All Bangladesh and Foreign course curriculum SSC/Equivalent exam and HSC/ equivalent exam the minimum GPA aggregate required for two exams is 9.00
3. All tribal and nontribal students of Chittagong hill tracts – SSC / equivalent exam and HSC/ equivalent exam minimum GPA aggregate required for two exams is 8.00
4. For all candidates, HSC / equivalent exam minimum GPA required in Biology is 3.50
5. Written test will be of 100 marks MCQ, time 1 hour, Number distribution for written exam Physics-20, Chemistry-25, Biology-30, English-15, General knowledge, History of Bangladesh and Muktijuddo-10.
6. Students who have passed HSC in 2018 admission for them in session 2019- 2020 MBBS courses requires that from their total aggregate number 05 numbers will be minuses (SSC / equivalent exam GPA aggregate 15% + HSC / equivalent exam GPA aggregate 25% + Number obtained in admission test) and in case of students admitted in previous years Govt. Medical or Dental College/ Unit 07.5 number will be curtailed from their total aggregate and merit list will be prepared. In written exam for every wrong answer 0.25 number will be subtracted. In written exam out of 100 minimum 40 numbers is to be attained. Less than 40 numbers will make the candidate ineligible. Merit list will be on the basis of eligibility.
7. SSC/ HSC/ Equivalent exam total GPA will be on 200 numbers as follows. a) SSC/ equivalent exam 15% of total GPA = 75 No (Max) b) HSC/ equivalent exam 15% of total GPA = 125 No (Max)
8. Based on aggregate of marks obtained in written exam and procedure mentioned in clause 07, numbers obtained in SSC/ equivalent and HSC/ equivalent exam merit list will be prepared.
9. Forms that will be submitted on line to be read and understood properly and that form to be filled up carefully. Exam fees 1000/- (One thousand) taka to be deposited prepaid through teletalk.
10. Date for online submission: 27/08/2019 Tuesday (12.00 pm)
11. Last date for online submission: 17/09/2019 Tuesday (12.00 am)
12. Admit card (Download): 26/09/2019 Thursday 29/09/2019 Sunday
13. Date of admission test: 04/10/2019 Friday Morning 10.00 – 11.00
14. For MBBS admission online form and admission rules and regulations for detailed instruction visit website: , Ministry of Health and family welfare website and Directorate of Health website:
15. All formalities regarding admission form screening and finalization will be computerized.
16. Bangladeshi Nationals who have appeared in 0 level/ A level exam equivalent to SSC/HSC equivalent exam. Their marks sheet to be converted to Bangladesh GPA as for Bangladeshi students and obtain an equivalence certificate after which they can apply on line. In that case they have to apply for equivalence certificate to Director Bureau of Medical Health Education , Mohakhali, Dhaka with a Bank draft/ pay order of BDT- 2000/- ID Number to be taken when equivalence Certificate is being taken. Equivalence Certificate will be given on showing of following documents. SSC/HSC equivalence Exams Original mark sheet and Certificate (in some case) and attested copy of mark sheets and certificates to be submitted.
16.2 Bangladeshi Citizens who have appeared in SSC/HSC equivalent exam their mark sheets have to be attested by embassy of respective country/ Embassy of respective country in Bangladesh, else equivalence certificate will not be givens.
17. Muktijoddha and Tribal / Non-Tribal in Hill Chittagong Quota. Applicant will have to submit serial number for Muktijoddha / Non-Tribal memo number and date to be submitted on online without serial number / Memo tadalafil Number there will be no entry on online Quota.
18. Incomplete information or false information in case of selected candidates will lead to cancellation of admission.
19. For any admission information visit Directorate General website
20. For admission procedure any decision of admission committee will be consideration.
Directorate General of Health Services
Mohakhali, Dhaka.